Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We (Andy and Melissa) at our podcasting in-service with Sarah (who's paired up with another teacher right now) and the rest of the ELA dept.  Sean Williams is presenting about podcasting and  we are using Vocaroo.  Web-based, so cool.

Here is the first podcast from Andy and Melissa:  How to make a chicken sandwich.  Click to listen.

Voice Recorder >>

Melissa's comments:  Sean has really broadened my definition of podcasts.  I was thinking that "podcast" meant a student produced radio show that takes a significant amount of time to plan, execute, edit, etc.  But, now I am thinking about it as simple voice recordings that can be used to create and respond to content.  Instead of only using text based comments (pen/paper writing, blog comments), these voice recordings allow a different medium.  I am so excited about the simplicity.  Students can create podcasts/voice recordings to create/respond to content (an embedded video in a blog, a passage in a book, a student's story or presentation).

And there are so many ways to capture those voice recordings.  Vocaroo is great, but it can't be edited.  Google voice can be used, and it will provide a transcript.  There are so many other things to think about. Comments please...